Advent Windows
November 12 2020
Advent windows is an advent calendar but on a bigger scale….much bigger!
Homes across Cheadle Hulme are invited to take part in this community project organised by St Andrew’s and decorate one of their windows on the theme of a Christmas carol.
For each evening of advent (1 to 24 December), a new window will be revealed and will continue to be displayed until decorations come down on 6 January. Windows will be lit between 5 and 8 pm in the evening and be visible from the street.
Even if you’re not decorating a window you can still take part. There will be a trail map so that you will know where to find the decorated windows. Families can have fun ticking off the different windows theyʼve visited, as well as looking up online some of the back-story, fun activities, and a link to a recording of the carol.
If you would like to create an advent window (and live in the area of the parishes of St Andrew’s and Emmanuel) there are still a few carols available. The organisers have put together a comprehensive flyer with all the details and a map to help you check whether your home is in the right area. Please contact Margaret on 07825 346728 or by email for more details and to volunteer.