Light a #candleofhope – Sunday 22 March
March 20 2020
People across the country have been invited by Churches Together in England (CTE) to join prayers and light a #candleofhope for help with the Coronavirus crisis.
The Presidents of CTE* wrote:
“This Mothering Sunday, 22nd March, we are calling all churches to a National Day of Prayer and Action. At such a time as this, when so many are fearful and there is great uncertainty, we are reminded of our dependence on our loving Heavenly Father and the future that he holds.
At 7pm this Sunday, light a candle in the windows of your homes as a visible symbol of the light of life, Jesus Christ, our source and hope in prayer.
Whether you are continuing to worship as congregations or not, we have the great privilege and freedom to be able to call upon God, wherever we are, individually and corporately, for healing in our nation. We would pray for all in leadership at this time, making decisions about the containment of the COVID-19 virus, for those working in health and social care, and especially for the most vulnerable, whether elderly or those with underlying health conditions.”
For the full message see the CTE call to prayer page
We hope Christians across Cheadle Hulme will light candles and join in. If you do, please take all necessary fire precautions. Ensure you remain with the lit candle at all times, and do not leave it to burn if you leave the room. Ensure there are no fabrics or materials such as curtains near the candle. If you are able to use a small electric ‘candle’ instead, that will be safe to leave unattended.
*The Presidents of CTE are:
- Archbishop Justin Welby, The Archbishop of Canterbury
- Cardinal Vincent Nichols, The Cardinal Archbishop of Westminster
- Revd Dr Hugh Osgood, The Free Churches Moderator
- Archbishop Angaelos of London, CTE President for the Orthodox Churches
- Pastor Agu Irukwu, CTE Pentecostal President