Christian Aid Week 2021
May 6 2021
If it’s May – it must be Christian Aid week!
For more than fifty years the week has been a key part of our calendar in raising money for those in need in the developing world. Last year, because of the pandemic, our activities were severely restricted but this year we can get more involved; already a very successful ‘Brew and Bake’ event in April raised over £800.00.
Christian Aid Week 2021 focuses on the impacts of climate change and how we can support poorer communities. Our story is about Rose who lives in a village in the Kitui Region of Kenya and like many others in similar communities, she doesn’t have easy access to water.

It’s a six-mile walk to bring water to her family and the reality of this is that unless she does this, they will go thirsty. Such a contrast to our own ability to turn on a tap. Christian Aid is funding the introduction of local irrigation schemes which will provide a local water supply and this will improve the lives of people like Rose. Read more of Rose’s story.
Already, nearly 100 volunteers will be delivering Christian Aid envelopes to 9,000 homes in Cheadle Hulme. These ask for donations either via our Just Giving page or in the envelopes.
Envelopes won’t be collected this year but can be dropped off at some of our member churches
St Andrew’s on Cheadle Road
Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church on Station Road
United Reformed Church on Swann Lane,
All Saints on Church Road
St Ann’s on Vicarage Avenue
Grove Lane Baptist Church on Pingate Lane South.
Envelopes can also be dropped off at the two local Chelwood Foodbank collections during the week:
Tuesday 11 May (11am-noon) at Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church
Saturday 15 May (11am-noon) at Grove Lane Baptist Church
Join the ‘Water Walk’
Look out for our ‘Water walk’ which will take place each day of Christian Aid week between six of our Churches in Cheadle Hulme.
CTCH’s Treasurer, Maurice, will collect water at each of the churches and by the end will be carrying more than 7 litres of water. Someone like Rose would typically carry more than double that amount for three times the distance!
Our Facebook page will provide the daily route and a mini-blog
Family Quiz Night
An online Family Big Quiz night will be held on Saturday 15 May at 7pm via Zoom. Everyone welcome; suggested donation £5 per family team or £2 per individual. Email the organisers for details.
Say a prayer…
Please pray for those who rely on the support of Christian Aid and other agencies to provide them with the resources which will help them with their basic needs like water:
‘Lord, creator of the seas and sky, in this time of climate crisis, as we pour out our feelings, pour in your spirit of hope and renew our resolve to work together and help the disadvantaged through the effects of changes to the climate. Amen’