Daily Prayers for Christian Aid Week 2020
May 8 2020
Six of our member churches have each written a daily prayer for Christian Aid Week 2020.
Jump to: Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday
Monday 11 May
From Cheadle Hulme United Reformed Church
Dear Lord,
Be with us in this time of trouble when everything seems so bleak
But also with all those around the world whose problems are so much greater than ours.
Be with us when we can’t buy our favourite cheese or toilet roll in the shops or have to queue a little longer
But also with those where there is famine in the land, no food to buy and parents have to watch their children go hungry.
Be with us when we have to help our children study at home because school is temporarily closed
But also with those who have no schools, no teachers and no books and where there is no prospect of education for the children.
Be with us when we have to work from home or have recently lost a job
But also with those who have no work, no savings, no state unemployment pay, no social services safety net and no prospects.
Be with us when we have to wait a little longer to see the GP or have to go into hospital
But also be with those who have no doctors, no drugs, no hospital and no healthcare system to look after them when they fall ill.
Be with us when we have to isolate and we can only contact our family and friends on the phone or internet
But also be with those who have no family and no friends, who are on the streets or in prison.
Be with us, Lord, in this time of trouble when everything seems so bleak
But far, far more this week and every week, be with Christian Aid as they work with local groups all around the world to teach people how to farm more efficiently and feed the hungry, to provide schools and education to move people out of poverty, to provide microloans so people can start their own little business and find work to support themselves and others, to back health projects to care for the sick and most of all, to be a friend to all those around the world who have no other friend to look to for help. Amen.
Tuesday 12 May
From Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church
Compassionate God,
We give thanks for and pray for Christian Aid’s work around the world and today we focus on its work in Nigeria.
We give thanks for its long presence in camps of internally displaced people, providing essential food supplies.
We pray for its team of workers as they seek to continue this food supply without putting those who deliver or receive it at greater risk of getting the coronavirus.
We give thanks for handwashing points that have been set up at distribution sites, enabling families to wash and sanitise their hands as they arrive and as they leave.
We pray for staff and volunteers delivering aid, wearing protective equipment and regularly using hand sanitisers.
We give thanks for jingles being used at distribution points to inform people of the dangers of the virus without causing anxiety and panic.
We pray for the introduction of social distancing measures that these may help to keep
people safe.
As we recognise the global impact of the coronavirus, we ask that you will enable us to be good neighbours not only to those near to us, but also to those living far away.
May we give, act and pray, in whatever ways we can, to share your limitless love which embraces the whole world.
Wednesday 13 May
From St Ann’s Roman Catholic Church
God, our Father, through all ages, trials and troubles, you have guided your people in love so as to help them realise that all things work together for good for those who love God. (Romans 8:28).
As we pray in a time of lockdown, where we fear the mortality we cannot cure, grant insight and faith to all who conduct medical research
Let us pray for organisations such as Christian Aid and its workers as they face the challenges of this terrible virus in the poorest countries in the world
Lord, Guide us away from the prejudices history has left us towards the unity of your kingdom,
We pray for fellow pilgrims on the road of faith…that rejoicing may be our common strength,
Between Easter and Pentecost, you speak to us of the Holy Spirit at work in the early Church. Send your renewing fire into our hearts that we may live with enthusiasm the life of your son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever,
Thursday 14 May
From Grove Lane Baptist Church
God of mercy, we pray this week for Christian Aid’s work around the world, and today we concentrate on the work done among the children trapped through crisis affecting the Rohingya people.
We give you thanks that food, water, shelter, and necessities for dignity are being provided for some of those in the camps, and we pray that more will be available.
We pray in particular for those working with the children fleeing violence, and those who have lost family to the fighting; give them wisdom and empathy to help the children survive the trauma and find the skills needed to begin to live again.
We recognise that in the difficult circumstance of the camps the impact of coronavirus could be catastrophic.
We thank you that work is already going on to try to minimise the risk. We pray for those offering training on hygiene and handwashing, for those setting up and maintaining health facilities and training people to do the caring work. We pray that they will have the resources they need.
As we deal with our own struggles through lockdown, live with our own anxiety and our own grief, give us grace not to forget that we are privileged to be able to “stay home”, to wash our hands, to call on medical services. Give us grace to be generous and to hear the call that as coronavirus impact us all, so love unites us all, within the unceasing, unflinching love of God.
Friday 15 May
From All Saints Parish Church (Church of England)
Dear Lord,
In these difficult times our thoughts are naturally focused on our local communities and our own country. Please help us to remember what this virus has so clearly shown: that we are all part of one world.
We pray for the work of Christian Aid which aims to give long-lasting and sustainable help so that people can improve their own lives and earn their own living. We give thanks for all those who give so much to assist others in countries around the world. Please inspire us to help in any way we can. We pray that, even though Christian Aid Week is so different this year, we will be able to raise the money that is so greatly needed.
Lord, be with us all, whatever our problems and anxieties, and wherever in the world we live,
Through Jesus Christ our Saviour,
Saturday 16 May
From The Religious Society of Friends, Cheadle Hulme (Quakers)
We remember those countries, communities and persons affected at this time as a result of the coronavirus. Responding to divine guidance, we must try to discern new ways of living, to ensure that our future life on Earth is used responsibly, so that we may walk cheerfully over the world, answering that of God in everyone.
Try to live simply. A simple lifestyle freely chosen is a source of strength.
Help us show Cheadle Hulme cares by making a donation to Christian Aid via our dedicated page.