Lent activities
February 25 2020
Lent is an important time in the Christian calendar and runs between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. It is a time of reflection, re-evaluation and renewal.
Churches Together in Cheadle Hulme is holding Lent Lunches every Saturday at 12 noon. See our Lent Lunches story for more details.
Many of the churches in Cheadle Hulme have additional activities planned. Here we have brought together a round-up:
All Saints Cheadle Hulme (Church of England)
Starting on March 6 and for the following Fridays in Lent, you are invited to join in reflections on the Stations of the Cross. This will be led by Readers Pat and Michael. Each session, which starts at 12 noon, is followed by a humble soup lunch.
All Saints will also be holding a Lenten collection for Chelwood Foodbankplus. Items can be dropped off in the boxes at the back of church whenever it is open.
Cheadle Hulme Methodist Church
Members of CHMC are signing up to “40acts of Generosity for Lent – a challenge for everyone”.
40acts means being caring and perhaps giving some time, but it’s not about money, it’s about being kind and living distinctively as a friend of Jesus.
If you sign-up on the 40acts website, you will receive an email per day (not Sundays) with an idea for an act of generosity – simple things like give-way to someone in a traffic queue, spend half-an-hour with your house-bound neighbour, offer to collect their shopping, or help make pancakes for a busy mum. It’s practical mission – loving the community and being kind – demonstrating that we are Christians.
CHMC is also organising The Great Cheadle Hulme Litter Pick on Sunday 1 March from 12 until 2 pm. Litter pickers and bags will be provided but please wear old clothes and gloves. Meet inside the church from 12 noon. We’ll be setting off at 12:30, back at 2 pm. Please call the church office on 0161 485 1605 to register your interest.
Emmanuel and St Andrew’s (Church of England)
This year Emmanuel and St Andrew’s are joining All Hallows Cheadle, St Mary’s and St Cuthberts for a series of Lent courses. There is a great choice of topics including “Who are we praying to?” and “Science and Faith”. All meetings start with refreshments at 7.45 pm, prayer and praise at 8 pm with courses starting at 8.15 pm. Most courses are due to end at 9.30 pm. The full list of topics and how to book can be found on St Mary’s website.
Grove Lane Baptist Church
Grove Lane’s Lent activities take place on a Thursday evening. From 5.45 pm, for an hour, the church will be a “Breathing Space” You will be invited to stop, reflect and pray.
At 7 pm, a group will be following “A Journey with Daniel Blake” This is a series of studies prepared by Church Action on Poverty using the film I, Daniel Blake to examine poverty, its impact and how we might respond.
St Ann’s Roman Catholic Church
On Tuesdays during Lent St Ann’s will be holding an early Mass at 06.30 am followed by breakfast.
And on Wednesday evenings before the 7.30 pm Mass, there will be reflections on the Stations of the Cross led by the church’s Confirmation group.
Directions and links to all of our member churches are on our “Find a church” page
If you’re still looking for other ideas for Lent, then have a look at Christian Aid‘s day by day guide – Count your Blessings 2020 – which provides a number of activities including prayer, giving and campaigning. The focus is on the climate crisis in Kenya. There is a children’s poster style version too and both can be obtained free via their website.