Thy Kingdom Come 2020 – How can your church take part?
May 18 2020
Your church building maybe closed at the moment, but the church is there and has a presence through its people in your local area. Many fellowships are meeting through Church services online.
As we cannot gather together, we are prevented from holding our usual Thy Kingdom Come (TKC) events and activities.
So, how can your Church be involved in the TKC global wave of prayer which takes place 21 to 31 May 2020? Here are some ideas…
Prayer and Care
“Care for those you are praying for, pray for those you are caring for “
The Prayer and Care part of Thy Kingdom Come is especially important at this time of the coronavirus pandemic. You can show people you care in practical ways such as
- – Keep up contact…a phone call, email, letter or card
- – Be aware of special birthdays, events or anniversaries
- – Send a small gift or book to encourage someone
- – Serve where you can in delivering groceries or medical supplies
Pray together…apart
Praying together for people to come to know the love, hope and peace found in Christ is at the heart of Thy Kingdom Come. Could your church set up regular daily patterns of prayer, perhaps via conference call, to hold these people in prayer or adapt existing prayer times to do so? Or you could commit to saying the Lord’s Prayer at a set time each day?
Or you could ask church members to make prayer part of their daily exercise (if they are able to go out of their homes). Organise a “prayer walk” by asking people to think about their local streets. Pray for the people in the households as they pass by – at a safe and appropriate distance, of course.
Join a virtual 24/7 prayer room
Sign up your church to pray for one hour during the 10 days of Thy Kingdom Come (between 21 and 31 May). You can do this on the Thy Kingdom Come website or you could choose to join the Greater Manchester Churches Together online Prayer Room
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Join the virtual online Thy Kingdom Come prayer room on Saturday 30 May from 10 to 11 am. You can ‘visit’ the zoom session for the whole time or just a portion of it. Everyone will be muted (except at the beginning and the end of the session). You won’t be expected to lead the prayers or to pray out loud. You’ll see a rotating series of slides with some prayer ideas/prompts/words. You can choose to follow these, or follow your own prayer ‘plan.’ If you feel more comfortable switching your video off during your ‘visit’ to the room that’s fine.
For the link and password to join the TKC virtual prayer room please contact Sarah from CTCH by email.
Light Up the World
If your church is taking part in TKC in 2020 make sure that you nominate your local area to shine a light on the world map.
See also our ideas for individual Christians to be part of TKC