World Day of Prayer 2020
February 17 2020
The first Friday in March each year is designated World Day of Prayer (WDP).
As the dawn breaks on the Islands of Samoa, the World Day of Prayer begins. Throughout the next 24 hours, across the continents of Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and North America, people come together to join in WDP. At sunset, the World Day of Prayer finishes in American Samoa. Across the globe, WDP services have taken place in hospitals, schools, homes and churches . The services have been spoken in 79 different languages.
Hundreds of WDP services are organised throughout Great Britain and our local Churches Together in Cheadle Hulme hold the event, which this year will be held at Grove Lane Baptist Church on Friday 6 March at 2 pm. Everyone is welcome.
In 2020 the theme for the service is “Rise! Take Up Your Mat and Walk” (John ch 5 v 2-9) and has been prepared by Christians in Zimbabwe. The short WDP Service can be colourful with the national Zimbabwean flag, representation of the national costume, music and examples of local crafts. National dishes maybe part of the refreshments available. Each church presents WDP in a different way.
Prayer topics are requested by Christians from the highlighted country and are often about peace and justice within the country as well as improved education and medical provision. Praise and thankfulness are also expressed in the joy of their Christian faith.
I have found it to be a moving experience to join in and be a part of the World Day of Prayer, echoing the thoughts of a verse within a well-known hymn:
“as o’er each continent and island,
the dawn leads on another day,
the voice of prayer is never silent,
nor dies the strains of praise away”
Sheila Richardson