World Day of Prayer 2024
February 18 2024
World Day of Prayer (WDP) is a women led, global ecumenical movement which always occurs on the first Friday in March.
Countries take it in turn to produce the materials for a service which is sent worldwide. In 2024 it is the turn of the women of Palestine. Although the service material was produced nearly two years ago, it foreshadows the recent tragic events in the Middle East. The theme this year is “I beg you, bear with one another in love”
World Day of Prayer promotes the wellbeing of women and girls in countries where this is not thought important.
In Cheadle Hulme, the WDP service this year will be at St Ann’s Roman Catholic Church at 2pm on Friday 1 March. Everyone is welcome. Light refreshments are served afterwards.
A collection is taken at the service to fund World Day of Prayer.
One of charities supported in 2023, was Toy Box which provides birth certificates for street children in certain countries of South America. Without a birth certificate no one can access education, get a job, have a home or any help from government at all.
Read more about the World Day of Prayer from Churches Together in England.
Explore the World Day of Prayer England, Wales & Northern Ireland website.