Thy Kingdom Come 2020 – Ideas for individuals
May 18 2020
Would you like to be part of the Thy Kingdom Come global wave of Prayer ? This year it is taking place during the 10 days between Ascension Day and Pentecost, 21 to 31 May.
What can you do as an individual Christian? Here are some ideas:
Pray 4 Five
You are invited to think of up to five people you know, who you would like to come to better know the love of Jesus. Pray for those five people regularly during the 10 days of The Kingdom Come. The TKC website has ideas and guidance to help you.
Follow a Prayer Journal
Take a look at the Prayer Journal which has daily Bible readings, Prayers and a Thought for The Day to help you . You might like to share the daily journal with someone you know.
There are also tailored resources for Roman Catholics and Methodists.
You may also be interested in ‘Prayer and Care’ and doing a Prayer Walk which we have featured in ‘how your church can get involved in Thy Kingdom Come 2020‘.